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Republic of Sovereigns [UA] Constitution

Apr 23, 2023



The Republic of Sovereigns is a community and asset of its private members exercising their sovereignty in the Association.

The Republic of Sovereigns is intended to bring together self-determining people who consciously express an attitude of sovereignty and wish to act in an organised and self-managing community that respects the principles of reciprocity.

The aim of the Republic of Sovereigns is to: develop sovereign awareness among its members and voluntaries, with a peaceful and harmonious attitude, in mutual respect and care for the protection of all forms of life in nature; constant care to broaden this awareness for the welfare of the united community, its individual members and mankind, protecting its values by educational, social, material and spiritual means.


§ 1. Mankind unites itself in truth and harmony with the Primordial Source of All, the original cause of all conscious and unconscious forms of existence, and fosters a Sovereign attitude in the abundance of well-being. It is the highest value in the Republic of Sovereigns.

§ 2. The Sovereign is a natural man or woman with independent and supreme authority in their identity and sphere of action. There is no higher form of social authority above the sovereign, who is a conscious and self-determining individual responsible for caring for the vital interests of all sovereign men and women within the realm of influence.

§ 3. The field of action of the Republic of Sovereigns encompasses every sovereign consciousness that exists in the present space and time.

§ 4. Sovereigns unite in private associations.

§ 5. The law of the Republic of Sovereigns is constituted by:

(5)1. the sublime consciousness of the sovereigns based on the immutable laws of nature, the knowledge of life, the imperishable wisdom, the sublime examples and customs of the ancestors, which lead to the perfect and pure consciousness of the individuals;
(5)2. respect for and cultivation of reciprocity, a clear conscience, avoidance of unjustified violence and the infliction of damage, repairing with diligence and in the best of faith the damage already done.

Emblem and flag

§ 6. The emblem of the Republic of Sovereigns is a golden eagle, above whose head, between its raised wings, floats an open golden crown with five peaks, and above it an eight-pointed golden star.

§ 7. The flag of the Republic of Sovereigns shall be rectangular in shape in the light blue sky-like colour with the emblem described in § 6 in the centre. The design of the emblem shall be preserved and described in a separate document.

Organisation and administration

§ 8. Organisation and Administration

8(1). Name.

8(1)(a). Full: Republic of Sovereigns Unincorporated Association.
8(1)(b). Abbreviated: the Republic of Sovereigns.

8(2). Observant members may participate in the assigned tasks and the trust spaces without voting rights.

8(3). The tasks of the administration include but are not limited to:

8(3)a. To act for the benefit of the Association and its members.
8(3)b. To serve as executors and coordinators of projects beneficial to the Association and its members.
8(3)c. To take care of the creation and protection of the assets owned by the Association and its members, who are their proper beneficiaries.

8(4). Full-time members are the actual beneficiaries of the Association.

8(4)a. They have voting rights acquired through active participation, acquired trust and participation in the creation of community assets.

8(5). Council of Three Trustees Board.

8(5)a. They serve as stewards and trustees of the Association’s property for the benefit of its all members.
8(5)b. The Council of Three has a servant role of an administrative nature, with a fiduciary trust responsibility for the common or individual property entrusted to it by the members of the Association.
8(5)c. The Council of Three is elected at the time of the General Membership Meeting held annually for an indefinite period until dismissal, resignation from office or death.

8(6). Council of Six.

8(6)a. Performs the executive role of the tasks entrusted by the Council of Three, which are an expression of the will of the members of the community.

8(7). Council of Nine.

8(7)a. Has an educational and advisory role in the Society.
8(7)b. Elects the governing body.
8(7)c. May participate in the election of the Council of Six by joint vote with the Council of Three.

8(8). Council of Twelve.

8(8)a. Is an independent council of elders made up of seniors of the sovereignty with impeccable moral conduct and proven credentials.
8(8)b. They are distinguished from the community of sovereigns and do not hold other administrative positions in the Association.
8(8)c. Are approved and elected by the full members of the Association.
8(8)d. Have the inalienable right to put up voters for any vote of the above Councils: Three, Six and Nine.
8(8)e. One councillor of the Council of Twelve may cast one vote at each vote.

§ 9. Elections to the councils shall be held by ballot and shall be organised as necessary and by order of the Council of Nine.

§ 10. Any man, woman or person who, in good faith and with due diligence, contributes by his or her actions to the development, well-being and prosperity of the community of the Association shall be considered an honourable administrator of the Association of Sovereigns.

§ 11. The tasks of the administration are:

11(1). To act for the benefit of the Association and its members.
11(2). To serve as executors and coordinators of projects beneficial to the Association and its members.
11(3). To take care of the creation and protection of the assets owned by the Association and its members, who are its proper beneficiaries.

Agreed, expressed and approved, this 23rd day of April 2023, England on Earth,

By the Council of Three
Trustees Board