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Definitions of Terms Used by the Administration [Selected]


Sovereign: a man, a woman, a person or body with independent and supreme authority.


1 sov-er-eign \’stiv(a)ran, -vorn sometimes ‘sov-\ also Sov-ran \’sivron rz; 1 a (1) the highest source of power in a political state (2) : a person who exercises supreme political power in a political state (3) a political entity that possesses or claims to possess sovereignty b : one who exercises supreme power in a limited sphere : THE LEADER, THE MASTER c : a recognized leader : THE ARBITER, THE LEADER.

2 sov-er-eign also sov-ran przym. sovereign 1 a : having controlling power : GOVERNING, DOMINANT b : unrestricted in its scope : ABSOLUTE c : acting autonomously : INDEPENDENT, SELF-GOVERNING 2 a : most exalted in its kind : HIGHEST b : of the highest quality : SUPREME, IMMEDIATE c (1) : having a general curative power : POWERFUL (2) : having a universally beneficial use : EFFECTIVE d : of an unconditional nature : UNGREGATED, TOTAL e : having an unquestionable advantage : LEADING, HIGHEST 3 : pertaining to, characteristic of, or worthy of a ruler : KING, UNGREGATED. 

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administration : 1. “managing something” 2. “a team managing something” 3. “state or local government offices and organs in the field of executive power”.

authority: 1. “recognition with which a person is held in some group” 2. “a person, institution, magazine, etc. enjoying special recognition”.

man: 1. “a living being distinguished by the highest degree of development of the psyche and social life” 2. “representative of the best human qualities”.

nation: 1. “a whole of the inhabitants of a certain territory speaking one language, bound by a common past and culture, sharing common political and economic interests” 2. formerly “a large group of people”.

person : “natural man, natural woman, individual body, authority”.

body : “an office or institution with a specific function, especially related to exercising power”.

state : “a politically organised community living in a specific territory, having its own government and its own laws”.

republic : 1. “a form of the state system in which the highest organs of government are appointed through elections for a fixed period of time” 2. “a state having such a system”.

respublica : “term for a state with a republican political system (from Latin Res Publica = republic, republic).”

constitute : 1. “to create something, make up something, be something” 2. “to be a deciding factor” 3. “to decide on something; also: to establish, enact something”.

sovereign : 1. “a man, a woman, person, individual or body with supreme authority in the space of its action” 2. “a sovereign is a self-determining people or nation that expresses and realises its identity in a conscious, active and constantly maintained will”.

union : “a union of states, international organisations, associations.”